Sunday, August 29, 2010

She is gonna be in jail soon............

Do u know who is the girls in the photo ?

She is so Q

Hey Cuttie, guest who I am ?

She is me......Paris Hilton.

When Paris is still a teenager.......

The transformation of Paris

Gaga also is one of her friends and secondary school classmate

Paris and her sister,Nicky Hilton who is a good and nice girl compare with Paris

Paris crying......haha so ugly

She sent to the jail and cried in the police car

************I don't own the copyright of all the photo************

She is Paris Hilton who is one of my admire idols. She born in the rich family which is
Hilton family ,the owner of the Hilton Hotels. I guest you all heard Hilton Hotel before right ?There are one Hilton Hotel at PJ which is 4 stars and they also have franchise in all around the world.

Besides that, she also has her own cloth brand ( Paris Hilton)and perfume (Paris).She is not just has the beauty but she has brain and smart too. She promotes her clothes through the way of paparazzzi catch her photo and attend the party to increase the popularity.
Unluckily, she is not appreciate to what she had now. She likes to do those crazy and stupid actions like: driving in the drunk condition, use drug ,love sex ,filmed in the the sex tape,like to wear those cloth that showing off her tits..........................She has been jailed before but now she is not regret at all and hide the drugs in her bag at Las Vegas. I think this time she will not that lucky like before stay in jail for 13 weeks only .The court should jail her for a few years and send her to rehab to make her feel regret to her actions and teach her to be a new Paris Hilton.

To be a celebrities is not that easy as u all are thinking,they need to be care of their attitudes all the time to prevent the paparazzi write the bad things about them.This will cause the high pressure to them and use drug or alcohol to relax themselves .Some of them maybe will suicide to release themselves from the their world that full of stress.
Luckily, I am not a artist and I am just a normal kid with the normal life.............

Friday, August 27, 2010

Damn 芦荟







Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Recently I have fell in love with the drama which is called "Glee".

It is a musical drama which is about those person who like to sing and how they can achieve the

dreams through joining the glee club. Actually the glee club is for those losers(those students not

popular in the school ) but they all have the common dream which is to be a star in the future.

Besides that,the school cheerleader teacher dislikes the glee club and tries to break up

the glee members because the club is getting famous and famous that threaten the

cheerleader.There are a lot of funny things and accidents happened in the drama


Britney in the glee with the Madonna suit in the music video of Me Against The Music

Britney Spears is going to be the guest of glee in the season 2

These are those glee club members and the teacher

One of the poster of glee ...The shouting aunty is the cheerleader teacher that is playing a bad character in the drama. Behind the Racheal (wearing black colour t-shirt)which is wearing the white colour t-shirt is her bf. There are also have a deformity in the club.

This girl is call Racheal and is the main character.

Friday, August 20, 2010


俗语:花开富贵,富贵名华 ,我家的荷花几乎全部开花。。


我家的荷花在新村是有多少名气的,有不少的aunty 来请教我妈。。



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When mum went travel........

During these few days, my mum went to somewhere(actually I don't know where is the place) to

travel. Haiz, since I am the eldest brother sure I need to take care of my brothers and do some

of the houseworks such as :sweep the floor ,mop the floor ,but not cooking and wash plates

cause my cooking skill sucks and I hate oily (yucks).Thanks God, my handsome daddy will help me

to do these .Although his cooking skill is bad,but he will try his best .Thanks u ,dad.

LOve u 4ever.

During this time, I become more independent and no more mama boy(for 3 days only ,haha).

From this experience, I also understand how hard to decide about what foods are going to cook

everyday or "Da Bao".To be a responsible mother, is not a easy job so now I think my mum is

DAMN HARDWORKING.Lastly, I feel that my whole family members are fxxking cute and


B!tCh and BasTard &
The sons and daughter of THe B!tch and Bastard.......
U All are NUT........Fxxk U

Saturday, August 14, 2010


The ptptn which is the students apply

for loan and is belong to the government.

Damn it, i have been fill up the form 2 times

because it official website always so much of problems.

The website process the document=Mxlxy woking=super lazy and lame

Haiz, nxt time will I apply again ??? still thinking about it..

I don't want make problems to my dear friend, MUN Jie....

This is the logo of that stupid company.......

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sex and the city 2

Miley and Samantha

She is my favourite character.
She is so cool.
She is dare to love women.
Her hobby is make love.haha
Her doggy too..

梁亚纸包鸡 & 妈妈冬瓜盅

Today, me and Mun them went to the restaurant 梁亚打包纸包鸡。。。。
The chicken was full of the juice.......味道“搞搞”& 超购味的。
The price aslo not too expensive just only cost RM 2.50 each..
At first, I would like to take the photo to share with u all
but my stomach not allowed me to do this because I was too hungry.

When I reached my home ,my mum was cooking the 冬瓜盅.
She was so lazy to 刨冬瓜 so she just cook the whole the 冬瓜.
The 刨冬瓜 is more diffcult to make compare with the cook the whole 冬瓜
because it need more steps and need to 刨 each of the 冬瓜
( OMG is each one, damn tired).

Lucky it was delicious , but it still not too delicious compare with

冬瓜最减肥营养学家测定,每500克冬瓜中含蛋白质1畅5克,糖8克,粗纤维15克,钙70毫克,磷4畅5克,以及维生素C、B和大量微量元素,具有较高的营养价值。  冬瓜吃法多样。水煮、清烧、焖炖、蒸炒皆宜,它既是一种清热解暑的大众化蔬菜,又可登大雅之堂的筵席。饮誉国内外的“冬瓜盅”,就是上乘名菜。冬瓜盅外形碧绿,瓜白如玉,呈半透明状,瓜内物料隐约可见。汤汁清澈,味美而不腻,被人们誉为“白玉藏珍”。  医学研究认为,冬瓜内含有的丙醇二酸,是一种能抑制糖类转化为脂肪的化合物,可防止人体内脂肪堆积,具有减肥、降脂、美容的功效。冬瓜内含钠量较低,是肾脏病、浮肿病患者的佳品。冬瓜内含糖量也很低,糖尿病人可常食用。冬瓜的水分较多,产热量低,是高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化的辅助食疗蔬菜。  祖国医学认为,冬瓜味甘淡、性微寒,入肺、脾、心三经,其皮、籽、肉、瓤均可入药。冬瓜皮是中药常用的利尿剂,可用于肾病引起的水肿,还可用于治疗脚气病和痱子,即用冬瓜皮轻轻磨擦患处,一日数次,即可见效。冬瓜肉、瓤具有清热解毒、除胀去湿、消暑降温、止咳化痰等功效,常用于治疗腹满、痰喘、暑热、痈痹、痔疮等。  冬瓜与鲫鱼一起煮成冬瓜鲫鱼汤,还具有催乳作用。冬瓜籽有清肺热、利胸膈、去热毒、生津液等作用。炒熟久服可益脾胃、平肝明目。冬瓜籽15克,红糖适量煎汤服用,可治疗老年慢性支气管炎引起的咳嗽。枟本草纲目枠载,冬瓜能益气除烦,“欲得体瘦轻健者,则可常食之”,可作为一味减肥良药。

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last Presentation

Wakaka......finally no more presentation

Damn relax now.....^_^

Now only left the FINAL EXAM

Guys,any nice places to introduce for holiday ?

NO mood to study .....yEAH !!!!!!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stupid Ob teacher

She is a very very good Fucker.....cause she likes to fuck the students


真不知道她老公怎样tahan her ......佩服



她也以为自己很pandai ,ber ber 到死。。。错了又不认。。。讨厌死了。。。。

PS:Can u just FUCK OFF..........Stupid OB teacher...........

Thursday, August 5, 2010

SEX and the city 1

Quite a nice movie.....

All mature women talk about their sex life and i think is reality which the problems maybe we (not include me haha......)

will face in the future .The story is dramatic and most important is has many branded clothes

sponsor in this seems like a fashion show........maybe u should take a look this movie....

When i am free next, i will watch the sex and the city 2 .Then,i will share again with u all .


Pizza Hut service and environment sucks

Today, I went Pizza Hut in Cheras Jusco there.The plates are dirty even some still have chili oil, yucks.......The environmnet also sucks because there is a cockroach crawl out from the table.This our Miss Mun hahaha......I think as the fast food restaurant isn't that they should always keep the clean environment and provide good services ?After this experience, I finally realized that fast food restaurant= Mamak stall but only the service tax is high and the cost of food is aslo high.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Kajang & Watch Ding Dang

Yesterday, Jun fetch me and Seen went to his school -New Era College watch that singer called DING DANG.This my 1st time go Jun school ,that school design so Chinese style and 也挺华丽的.This event was helding in the hall which is so beautiful and big just like the GSC cinema but the 喇叭有待进步因为一直有杂音. This event ticket was needed but b4 that we think we will get the CD and tickets there but who knew the CD was sold out. BUT we so LUCKY haha meet XIAO NI (负责人),she gave we one ticket and Jun friend also gave we 2 tickets.

8++p.m.,Ding Dang only came out and performed. She was hot although i sat far away from the stage .She have sung 6 songs wow.......really so suprise......cause as usual the artist wouldn't sing much...Haha.....She was so polite and friendly as a artist ...she was keep saying thank you to all the fans and even hugged some of the fans and also the wokers 。

她除了演绎慢歌也有唱快歌,她的舞蹈不赖嘛,她还会电臀舞哦。不止这样,她飙高音超厉害很有震撼力,也有唱海豚音 Ar-ar-ar--------

当签名节目,Seen 插队哦..{Good Job ,Seen }because we meet our secondary school student was queuing up....haha...Lucky2 Ding Dang also helped Seen sign the previous album,she is so happy.

In conclusion,she is a damn nice person + artist.If next time,she is coming again i sure will go watch again....这次也是我追星追到最舒服的也不用挤。真棒!!!!

After that, we also try Kajang Satay....

Haiz.....the satay is just taste like
usual satay and nothing special about it.....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Riding Mun brother's car go to school in this few days

Mun brother car really so beautiful and fatter than Gene car lo.......

but i wish Mun nxt time will fetch wif her GOLDEN (mun favourite clour)sport car ^_^

Wei Jun too if he were buying the James BOnd car, i also want him fetch me Hahaha

But most important is IF i have a JET i sure take u guys go overseas .....haha

越写越觉得自己贪慕虚荣&贪图名利 哈哈!!!!